
Backend plugins (12)

com.msgbyte.agora Agora

Add the Agora audio and video communication feature to Tailchat

com.msgbyte.discover Discover

Add Discover panel which can help user found groups

com.msgbyte.github Github Subscription

Subscribe to the Github project dynamics to the group

com.msgbyte.iam Identity and Access Management

Provide Tailchat with the function of conveniently accessing external account systems

com.msgbyte.linkmeta Url metadata display

Parse and get the overview of url information in the chat information, such as title/overview/thumbnail, support media path, directly display media player (specially support bilibili, automatically load the iframe player of bilibili)

com.msgbyte.livekit livekit

Add livekit to provide meeting and live streaming feature

com.msgbyte.meeting Audio and video service (WIP)

Provide audio and video communication services for Tailchat

com.msgbyte.simplenotify Simple Notify Bot

A simple generic notification bot for sending messages directly to groups

com.msgbyte.tasks Task Manage

Task management plugin, add TODO panel in personal panel for personal todo management

com.msgbyte.topic Topic

Provide topic feature for groups

com.msgbyte.welcome Group Welcome

Send a welcome message when joining a group

com.msgbyte.wxpusher wxpusher

Add support for wxpusher to notify user